Sunday, November 18, 2012

Gobble, gobbel!

Wow, Thanksgiving is this week, I don't know how it snuck up so fast but it did! Yesterday I headed to the grocery store armed with our feast list. Most importantly got that big boy thawing out in the frig.
I can't wait, It's been a whole year since I cooked a turkey and I am ready to smell that wonderful turkey aroma  and fix all the fixins'! 
Last week my time got kind of lost in the shuffle while getting ready to host Bunco. My turn to host only happens once a year but never ceases to throw me in to a panic. A house to clean, food to fix, oh my! 
We always have a great time though, love those Bunco ladies! And now my house is clean and Hubby and I have had left over goodies to munch on all week. 

This weekend I made Christmas pillow cases for the Grandsons. I bought all this cute Grinch fabric on my last trip to Oklahoma with Brenda with this project in mind. So easy to make, so fun for the boys. 
And speaking of Grandsons, my Oklahoma family will be here in 2 more days. I have the boys beds made up with their new pillows. I mailed the remaining 2 pillow cases to my Grandsons in Texas who are not able to make it up for Turkey day.

Refrigerator art makes me smile, turkey courtesy of my Texas grandson Aiden :) 
Wishing safe travels to those who are driving to spend time with family, warm thoughts to all as we celebrate friends, family and so much to be thankful for!

1 comment:

WoolenSails said...

I know how you feel, I do most of the cooking and the kids come here, but I want everything to be just right and ready so we can relax and enjoy the day, so i stress, lol. Love the pillow cases, such a cute idea.
