Stopping by to wish you all Happy Easter early! Tomorrow all heck is going to break loose and I won't have a chance before Sunday. We have a house full of family arriving tomorrow and I am sooooo eggcited! Jerrys Dad is flying in from Florida and will be spending the next 10 days with us. Our daughter Erin and her little family are driving up from Oklahoma tomorrow. Two little Grandsons on the way YAY!!!!! Jon will be home from KU for the weekend as well!
My Texas pumpkins can't make it, too far for a weekend trip :( So their bunny box is on the way to them. These Hallmark Donald Duck bunnies are a riot, they walk and talk, the boys are sure to love them and they are sure to drive their Momma crazy by the end of the day.

My week has been full, cleaning, preparing dinner menus and making lists, lists and more lists! My mind is in such a dither. Monday I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Hubby and I were heading out to do some errands and I could not find my phone ANYWHERE. So I made him come back in and call my phone, no answer. I ran upstairs, I ran down. I was really worried I mailed it in an order box to England or Canada and mentally was picturing my phone ringing in the post office bin. OMG, now what! Then I hear Hubby muttering, well this is a really good one. Barb he calls, um, your washing machine is ringing LOL!
On that note, I am off to do groceries! Happy Easter to all, I'll have lots of pics for show and tell next week :)
1 comment:
Yay! See you tomorrow! Laughing at Missy for dealing with noisy ducks. Better her than me! he he he.
Love you!
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