Monday, August 17, 2009

Cinderella and an empty nest..... again

Hi everybody, Cleo here, thought I better take over as my Mother Barbie Jo has been slacking on these posts again..... not like she has anything better to do!
She did have a moment of weakness recently, and bought this cute Hello Kitty sewing machine.
See, it says "Sewing Pretty with Hello Kitty" and has a cute little kitty face and is mint green besides! Barbie Jo says It's time for me to earn my treats, step up to the plate, lend a hand and learn how to sew. Sounds to me like she's running a sweat shop here, just call me the sewing Cinderella! Truthfully I am afraid of that or any sewing machine and the only type of plate I want to step up to is one that has food on it! When I was a young kitty I would sit smack dab next to Barbie Jo and her machine while she sewed. It was so fascinating watching that needle go up and down, so much so that I couldn't control my kitten curiosity and fast as lightening stuck my paw out to grab it. Well.... you can probably guess the consequences from that little moment of madness. I screeched and wailed, Barbie Jo cried..... it was just awful, awful, awful!!!
So awful that I can't believe she is making me do this. She says like child birth and the terrible twos, one forgets these things after a while. Well I'm 10 now and I have NOT forgotten... Sheesh!
So today I worked on my 1st project, a cat doll...... bleech.... I don't think she's gonna really like this much. But you know, beauty is in the eye of the beholder don't you think?

Ok, ok.... Barbies back, Cleo has been removed from the computer. Sometimes she just gets a little out of control and did you notice she is such a tattle tale?!

Where did I leave off last blog visit. Oh, Jerry and I were going to spend a beautiful afternoon at the park and that we did, we sat our folding chairs up near the waters edge, soaked up some sun and watched the geese play. Isn't it interesting how they all line up follow the leader style to take their swim, I wonder why, anyone know?
After working up an appetite watching the geese lol, Jerry took me to Oklahoma Joe's for... you guessed it, BBQ. And boy oh boy is it ever some of the best!

Yesterday I spent the afternoon baking cookies for Jon to take back to school, Peanut butter and Oatmeal, yum!

And tonight he's off, quicker than you could blink an eye. Gosh it feels quiet all ready. :(
My little nest is empty once again, until next break. On the up side I can hear the utilities dropping, gas will always be in my car and there will be less trips to the grocery store. On the down side... I will miss my little Jay Hawk..... a lot!

XXXOOOO Jon, Mom and Cleo

1 comment:

Red Geranium Cottage said...

OOOhhhhhh I want some cookies too!!!
Love the Kitty machine. Where did you get it???
Your son is a cutie!!